Friday, March 20, 2009

It’s A Love Story Baby Just Say Yes


I'm back!

But poof...

You'll not see me anytime soon.

Cause I very busy.

Busy reading Twilight.

Super nice. You should go read too.

Okay, I need to go do my Chinese homework.

Oh...I'm at my cousin's house right now. We sedang hard core study + do work.

Best nya.

Her room very cold and messy. Got a lot of books lying around.

She must be studying very hard.

Here's a sexy picture of her doing the mask we sama-sama bought.


Shhhhh, don't tell her!

It's a secret. Cause she's studying now.


And I'm updating my blog using her computer.

So happen I saw this very sexy picture. So yeah, ENJOY! :)


Okay. Till my next time.

Lovelovelove. Heeeee. :)

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